21 August 2016


Many people live with a victim mentality, which causes them to do things that don't make sense. It is easier for us to understand them if we understand why they do the things they do.

Victims find it very difficult to say 'thank you'. Although they may sometimes appreciate something, depending on their level of victimhood, they often feel that by saying 'thank you' they will be making themselves inferior to the person they are thanking. In many cases, the victim has such a high degree of this victim mentality that they do not appreciate anything done for them because they feel that the world owes them.

Victims often treat others badly, and when they are confronted, turn everything around so that they seem like the victims, totally avoiding what they have done. They lack self-responsibility. It is too difficult for them to get past looking at themselves as victims (the fear) to see the harm they do to others. They cannot be objective.

It is for this reason that victims lack empathy. They cannot see another's pain or suffering because they are drowning in their own pain and suffering.

This causes the victim to lash out at others through emotional abuse, physical abuse, etc. They lack the ability to see cause and effect, and thus see the world as causing their pain and suffering, rather than the pain and suffering they experience, being the consequence of their own beliefs about themselves.

Victims often resort to addictive behaviour such as the addiction to approval, retail therapy (consumerism and materialism), drugs, alcohol, etc. They do this to hide the fear they feel inside. These fears come in various forms, such as anger, guilt, superiority/inferiority, depression, and all the other negative emotions.

Victims cannot give other people compliments or praise, as they feel it will be giving away their own power... making them less. However, they are very quick to point out the negative aspects of someone or something. They do not understand that giving means receiving.

Victims see mistakes as failure, and fill themselves with guilt, instead of looking for the lesson which they need to learn. They thus make the same mistakes over and over again, and become more and more bitter. Heightening their victim status.

Victims fail to see solutions to their problems because their perspective of themselves, and the depth to which they can see things, is clouded by their own beliefs of inferiority (fear).

The victim status is a result of fear-based beliefs which keeps people in a state of lack.... of scarcity regarding their own power. These fears do not allow them to tap into their inherent source of power. Thus the solution is to identify the fears, which show up in our emotional state. All negative emotions result from a fear-based belief about ourselves. Being offended is the first sign, which is followed by anger, depression, and other negative emotions. If one can work up enough courage to face the fear and look into it to find the source, one can transcend the fear. The more this is done, the easier it becomes, and the more in tune one becomes with our inherent power source of awareness, intuition, courage, strength, ability to solve problems, etc.

Almost everyone feels like a victim in one or more areas of their lives. We need to understand that it is the conditioning that we have received that has created this victim status, and that we can discard it at any time. Nobody is a victim, unless they choose to be a victim...

Make a decision today: Are you a victim or a victor....

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