11 August 2011


"Love all of God's creation,
the whole of it, and every grain of sand.
Love every leaf,
Every ray of God's light.
Love the animals, love the plants,
Love everything.
If you love everything,
You will soon perceive the divine mystery in things.
Once you perceive it,
You will begin to comprehend it better every day.
And you will come at last to love the whole world
with an all-embracing love."
~ Fyodor Dostoevsky

"What is love?"
"The total absence of fear," said the Master.
"What is it we fear?"
"Love," said the Master.
~ Anthony de Mello

Love is a verb!  It is something we choose to do, or not do.  We express it in the actions we take.  The feeling of love springs from positive thought and has a power to put us into action.

"When the power of love
overcomes the love of power,
The world will know peace."
~ Jimi Hendrix

When we are positive we perceive the beauty and goodness around us.  There is no love in a negative mind, only need, suffering and evil.  The need for acceptance and approval of others exceeds their need for authenticity... they don't think they are worthy of happiness.

When one mentions the word 'love', the first thing that people think of is romantic love... Yes, romantic love is very much a part of who we are, but self-love is the most important of all, for without it we mean nothing to ourselves, and thus to others.  Platonic love is the next stage of love.  Afterall, there are many more people that we should love platonicly... the whole universe, every animal, every plant and rock.  This platonic love affects our daily lives, our work, our play, our well-being.  When we feel this abundance of love for all things and beings, we receive the same love back...  True romantic love can only be achieved through self-love firstly, and then love of all things and beings... In this kind of love, we are not dependent or needy... we share what we have... we give.  By giving, we experience the miracle of receiving...

Have you ever looked at couples that are truly happy.  Are they living in a positive mindset or a negative mindset?  Take a good look and you will see that their basic foundation of their relationship is build on positivity.  Yes, they will step into a negative mindset every now and then, but because they have a solid positive foundation, they are able to quickly remove negativity without any lasting effects and keep on loving each other, no matter what.

"Unconditional love:
Freedom and love go together.
Love is not a reaction.
If I love you because you love me,
that is mere trade, 
a thing to be bought in the market;
it is not love.
To love is not to ask anything in return,
not even to feel that you are giving something
~ and it is only such love that can know freedom."
~ Jiddu Krisnamurti

We are told to love our neighbours, but how can we love our neighbours, or anyone else, if we can't  love ourselves?  Where will we get the love from, to give away, if we don't possess it?  We can only give away things that we already possess.  It is really like beggars begging from each other, as Osho so aptly puts it.  Loving ourselves means we are positive about ourselves, and if we are positive about ourselves, then we are positive about the people and the world around us.  We feel worthy of the achievement of our goals and strive for them with vigour.

Do you want to create more love in your life?

Do this little exercise that I started about a year ago.   Next time you go shopping, smile at everyone that you see.... even the ugliest, oldest, fattest, nastiest-looking people.  Ninety five percent of the people you smile at will smile back at you.  You will feel a remarkable difference in yourself and the world around you.  Later you won't even notice that you are smiling, and you will have all these people smiling at you and spreading love.   Remember love is a verb.  Do it!  

Read my blog '5 Ways to improve your self-esteem'

"Love makes the world less worldly, less dense, more transparent to the divine dimension, the light of consciousness itself." 
~ Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth)

Become selfish!  Yes, you read correctly... selfish.   Selfishness is a word that has been condemned by society, but it is really a beautiful word.  Just be yourself, your true inherent self... be love.  Self-centredness is is not a love of oneself, but rather a vanity.  Vanity is the lack of self-love... the seeking of acceptance and approval by means of our outer exterior and world, because we hold no value of inner love.  Don't consider anyone else but yourself.  In doing so, you will have considered the whole world.  By loving yourself you will be giving the whole world love, and everyone in it.  When you love yourself first, you cannot help to love others.  There is a huge difference between loving yourself  and sacrificing yourself.  There is no love in sacrifice, only fear.   Fear of not being good enough.... fear of  not being approved of... fear of not being loved.  You will be giving the world your full potential, your best.  What good is your worst to anyone?

"The majority of us lead quiet,
unheralded lives as we pass through this world.
There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us,
no monuments in our honour.
But that does not lessen our possible impact,
for there are scores of people waiting for
someone just like us to come along;
people who will appreciate our compassion,
our unique talents.
Someone who will live a happier live merely because
we took the time to share what we had to give.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have a potential to turn a life around.
It's overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities
there are to make our love felt."
~ Leo Buscaglia

"That which you are,
your true self,
you love it,
and whatever you do,
you do for your own happiness.
To find it, to know it,
to cherish it is your basic urge.
Since time immemorial you loved yourself,
but never wisely.
Use your body and mind wisely in the service of the self,
that is all.
Be true to your own self,
love yourself absolutely.
Do not pretend that you love others as yourself.
Unless you have realised them as one with yourself,
You cannot love them.
Don't pretend to be what you are not,
don't refuse to be what you are.
Your love of others is the result of self-knowledge,
not it's cause.
Without self-realisation,
no virtue is genuine.
When you know beyond all doubting,
that the same life flows through all that is
and you are that life,
you will love all naturally and spontaneously.
When you realise the depth and fullness of yourself,
you know that every living being
and the entire universe are included in your affection.
But when you look at anything as separate from you,
you cannot love it for you are afraid of it.
Alienation causes fear and fear deepens alienation.
It is a vicious circle.
Only self-realisation can break it.
Go for it resolutely!"
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Please leave a comment or email me your thoughts or suggestions for topics to cover.

Love, light and abundance ♥ 


  1. Thank You for the inspirational words

  2. You are most welcome! Blessings of love and abundance... ♥
