
Here are some testimonials from people that I have assisted.  Please feel free to post a comment if you feel that I have assisted you in any way.  Many thanks!


My whole life I have been pulled to Peru.  In February 2011, I got an opportunity to become part of a group, Mighty Hearts International.  They were going to Lima, Peru, to help the underprivileged children there.  I knew in my heart that I had to be part of this mission!!!
My only problem was, I'm terrified of flying.  My husband is a pilot, and I have tried several methods of getting over my fear, including hypnotherapy, but to no avail.
I had met a lovely young woman on Facebook, and she is a life coach.  I asked her for help.  Without giving away her trade secrets, I can tell you she worked with me, gave me things to do and to think about.
I am very happy to tell you, I flew from Milwaukeee, Wisconsin to Atlanta, Georgia and then to Lima, Peru.  And back!!! Without any problems.  That's roughly 10 hours flight each way.  And I'm returning for another mission next August.
Thanks to Adrienne, my group was able to help over 500 children with medical care, food, clothing and fresh water!!!  I wholeheartedly recommend Adrienne Peral as a life coach.

Denise Copeland Stoller


It is a great honour for me to do this testimonial for Adrienne.   We have been friends for about 6 years now and I have much respect for her as a friend, a woman, a mother, a life coach, and her position in the community.  She has been a very loyal best friend, and definitely one of the first people I would call on in the time of need because of her helpfulness, caring nature and because one can always depend on her.  Her positive attitude is contagious and has enriched my life and I see it enrich the lives of others too.  Her values and manners are impeccable and she instills these and her good qualities in both her children at home and the children that she teaches.

I have attended Adrienne's life coaching group meetings on a regular basis and have learnt very much from her at those meetings.  My family, my friends and my partner have seen the growth in me since then.  My approach to everything has become so much more positive and my self-esteem has vastly improved.  It helped me much in my decision to publish a book next year.  I'm currently working on the book and believe that it will be a great success.  Without the life coaching that I have received from Adrienne, it may have still been a case of  'maybe I'll do it sometime....'.   Now it is a case of 'I shall be an author very soon.'

I do believe, from what I've seen in Adrienne as both a loyal and beautiful friend, and as a life coach, that she will be an asset to anyone who is willing to learn.  She is always well prepared and knowledgeable and is able to talk about virtually any subject with command.  She is always very punctual for the meetings.  I get there on time and she will already be waiting.  She has a big heart and is hardworking, versatile, diligent, and seems to have endless energy for whatever she puts her mind to.

Adrienne is a great life coach and has been a constant inspiration to me.  She has nudged me into doing things that I feared, and I have felt wonderful and empowered afterwards.  Her faith in me made me realise that I am capable of so much more than I thought.

Denise Kemp



  1. I was introduced to Adrienne via mutual friends. At that time I was leaving South Africa to work in the UK and was facing uncertainty even though I was keen for adventure and excited.
    Over the last year, especially the last 4 months I felt my life was going to take another interesting turn and started reading Adrienne's posts more attentively.
    The Life Matters posts and motivationals starting focusing me and leading me to listen to my inner voice, or inner spirit thus opening a wide horizon with a multitude of destinations. In conversation with Adrienne it became clear to me (and my direction of thought was refocused) that I needed to move or put into action my thoughts. I made the leap to leave my job, move to a different city, change my lifestyle and just let things go. At the same time it seems the "universe" moved too and things have "synced" to the point that opportunities are seeking me. It is a liberating and very exciting place to be. Thank-you Adrienne for providing the impetus that re-enforced my beliefs and got me moving. It's true that the difference between a rut and the grave are merely dimensions. I learned all over again that it is vital to live, to just "be" and above all, accept yourself and believe in yourself. Move, go forward and action what you want and do it now. Boldness and faith have a magic in them!! Thanks A3, as I call her.

  2. I had the privilege of meeting adrienne over a year ago. In terms of my spiritual growth, adrienne became a great friend,guide, mentor and great teacher, sharing her wealth of life skills knowledge with me, guiding me onto the right track not always an easy task as I was quite set in my ways . My greatest problem was fear and negativity due to a wide range of happenings during my life however through her support,sharing of theories and guidance I was able to overcome these problems and today am doing great. I have a positive outlook on life, and more aware of happenings around me.I am better equipped to control these situations, see the good in them and control my reactions to them. I wish Adrienne well and much success in her field and recommend her to individuals who are on a similar growth path and even corporates who want to invest in their employees growth and development on a personal level. Noel

  3. My meetings with Adrienne have provided me with a lifeline for issues that, dealt with on my own, are all consuming and emotionally overwhelming. With Adrienne I am able to approach the issues supported by her as a sounding board with patience and insight, shedding light on the core issues that are beneath the more immediate ones that I think I'm dealing with. Thank you Adrienne
