24 September 2013


Hatred, discrimination, revenge, etc

How do you feel when you are revengeful? Bitter, hateful, resentful, unforgiving, angry, victimised, etc. All negative feelings. These very same emotions are the ones that cause our blood pressure to rise... our heart to overwork, and put enormous amounts of stress on our organs. 

 We also attract to us more circumstances which provide the same emotions. This makes for a terrible cycle of suffering and pain.

All the great teachers have taught us to be peaceful, no matter what others do. Jesus said that we must turn the other cheek. Martin Luther King Jr taught his followers not to resort to violence, because 'the enemy' was suffering from a mental illness... and he was right. The illness of the ego - hatred. He taught his followers that love was the only way. Ghandi helped his people overcome domination by peaceful means.

Understand that people only act out of hatred when they have hatred within them. They only discriminate against others when they judge themselves.  When they feel inferior, and in so doing, attempt to gain superiority.  We do things according to our beliefs about ourselves and the world. Self-preservation and self-defense are the result of fear. Be compassionate and understanding of others and their issues. It really has nothing to do with you.. It is not because of you that they act or react the way they do.

People have a way of living up to what we expect of them... Expect and assume that all humans have something beautiful and good inside them, and they will soon show it to you.

When we feel negative emotions like revenge, discrimination or hatred, we are not being true to our inner being, which is love. We are being dominated and controlled by the ego. We have disconnected from God... from guidance and inspiration. We are not controlled by ourselves, but by others. If someone else can evoke an emotion or reaction from you, they are in control of you. You have given them free reign of your inner world.

On a collective level, we contribute to the illusion of war, destruction and aggression on our planet, when we exude these negative characteristics.  The collective only needs a certain percentage of this fear consciousness to manifest itself as the collective illusion. When people change themselves, and overcome hatred, discrimination and all the other negative characteristics, they let go of fear, and in so doing, allow for love, compassion and peace to come in... In a society dominant in love consciousness, the vibration is set for a collective reality of peace, love and harmony.

Let us stop the war and hatred in our beautiful world, by starting with ourselves. Let us be like the great masters, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc. Let us be love and peace. Let us heal ourselves, and in doing so, heal our planet. It all starts with you... Yes, YOU!


What is freedom? 
Some say to be free means to do anything you like... Is that freedom?  What if what you like to do feels like freedom to you at that moment, but has consequences which you don't like?  Is it still freedom?

What then, is freedom really...
There are those who have been imprisoned behind bars, tortured to the extent that their bodies cried out for mercy, yet they have felt freedom.

In a world where we are influenced by so many things which shape our ideas, our beliefs, our state of mind, and lead to attachments to these ideas and beliefs, we cannot be free, as long as we comply to these norms and social conditionings.

It is attachment which robs us of our freedom.  The attachment to the idea of who we are.  The attachment to beliefs which limit us, and thus cut our wings.

Mostly, it is the attachment to a false image of ourselves that others have helped us to create.  The pressure of living up to this false image, when all the while, our inner being is crying out to be recognised.  The need for approval from others... the need to belong, and to fit in, is an invisible cage.  It is an addiction, and possibly the worst and most debilitating addiction we could ever be possessed with.  Herein lies our attachment to what others' think of us.

It is this addiction which shapes our reality, which limits us from reaching for our dreams.  It is this addiction which stops us from being who we truly are at the centre of our being.  It is the most difficult addiction to free ourselves of... Yet, when we do, we reach a far greater feeling of freedom, happiness and respect than we ever had before. 

As we grow in self-love and self-acceptance, we no longer seek the approval of others.  We no longer seek happiness in retail therapy.  We no longer need someone to love us so that we feel worthy of love.  We free ourselves of all the 'shoulds' that others impose on us.  We free ourselves of duty.  We free ourselves of all these restraints. We realise that the source of all security, all happiness, all abundance, all freedom, lies within us.

What then of consequences?
When we do things because we 'should' or because we have an image or reputation to maintain, we do it, not from the heart, but with a sense of resentment.  We act from a negative field of emotion, and it builds up to a crescendo, until we finally burst.  We seek gratitude, which often doesn't materialise.  We seek compensation, often subconsciously, or at a later stage.  We feel bitterness when these needs are not met.

Yet, when we are in a position to do things purely from the heart, with no need for compensation or gratitude... unconditionally, we see these tasks or duties, as privileges.  As a means of satisfying something deep within our inner being, with no attachment to a result or outcome.  We are no longer dependent on another.  The invisible cage no longer holds us from our freedom...

Many blessings of love and peace ♥