21 August 2016


 What is blame? Blame is merely the physical manifestation of your inner fears which create our outer perceived reality. This occurs on a personal level and on a collective level. What is outside is merely a reflection of what is inside. If a certain percentage of humans are in a particular state of fear, they manifest this fear as our perceived reality. These manifestations are therefore of vital importance because they tell us that there is something wrong. We therefore must not ignore them, but become aware of them. Self-responsibility requires looking at the problem, on the outside, becoming aware of it's root fear, which cause the symptoms, and fixing it on the inside.

 The symptoms are the things you see.... much like a headache is what you feel. How you see things is dependent on the fear-based belief system you have been conditioned with... much like the strength or weakness of the immune system you have built up through your consuming of healthy food or toxins. Humans are taught to take notice of the symptoms, and react on them, rather than to use the symptoms as a guide to the root cause, which is where problems/challenges are fixed, and disease is healed. The symptoms are only useful to us as guides to the root cause. As the headache is a warning of high blood pressure, etc. It does not help to keep taking painkillers for the headache, as the root cause will still persist, and the problem will become worse. It therefore makes sense not to try to hide the root cause by taking pills and not investigating further. Just as it is useless to fight the symptoms of politics, etc, without looking for the root cause of the problems/challenges.

Therefore, use the symptoms to guide you to the root cause, and transcend the fear which is causing it. The fear can be your very own fear, which is manifested in your personal life, or it can be a collective fear, which is manifested universally. If it manifests universally then it is because the majority of humans have the same fear, which is the result of cultural conditioning, brainwashing from television, etc. Therefore, if you have the same beliefs as the majority, you know that you are a contributor to this collective perceived reality.

As you transcend these fears, you will become more and more aware, and thus more courageous and able, to transcend more of these fears, making you a stronger person and a contributor of love, peace and harmony to the collective perceived reality. It doesn't matter how small, big, tough or weak you think you are: YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER!!

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