30 March 2018


Here are just two extremely profound ways:

1.  Darwin's 'theory' of evolution was just a theory, as the phrase states,but repeated enough times, it has become an absolute to almost every human on earth.  Even those who say they do not believe in evolution still function from the premise of the survival of the fittest.  Humans compete with each other over everything, often killing those who are a threat to their survival. Our whole belief system is built on this foundation of scarcity.  We no longer share and care for each other, but compete and fight for our own survival.  Even Darwin did not believe so greatly in this theory, but considered many others. Furthermore, intelligent design has been suppressed by the scientific world.

2.  The science that says that genes control life (genetic control) is called the central dogma.  It has never been proven.  Yet, almost every human has based their belief system on this idea that they cannot control their genes, thus their diseases, and other things that they are thought to have inherited.  This takes away all our power to heal and keeps us living as victims of our genes.  Epigentics shows that this is not at all how it works, and that our beliefs control our genes.

Both of these beliefs, based upon science, have kept us trapped as victims, when we should be masters of our lives.

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