What is fear?
An unpleasant, strong emotion that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
It is not real, it is imagined. Fear is a debilitating emotion. If someone is holding a gun to your head, you experience fear, you imagine that that person is going to kill you. It could very well turn out that he is too fearful to kill you, but you automatically imagine the worst.
"There would be no one to frighten if you refused to be afraid."
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself -
nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror
which paralyses needed efforts to
convert retreat into advance."
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Fear is felt by others too, and causes a reaction. Think of dogs. It is as if they smell your fear, and react on it, and attack you. Remember that fear is a negative emotion and thus emits negative vibrations to those around you. They thus feel this vibration or energy and send back negative energy. This makes your fear even stronger and stronger and stronger. If you are not afraid, but in a state of love, in positivity, other's will react to this and send positive energy back. Like when you smile at someone... most often they will smile back. Unless they themselves are in a very dark and negative place... in which case they will not even notice the smile. That dark place is too dark to see anything, but what is going on in THEIR imagination.
"For as children tremble and fear everything in the blind darkness,
so we in the light sometimes fear what is no more to be feared than the things children in the dark hold in terror and imagine will come true."
~ Titus Lucretius Carus
Politicians and people in power use fear to manipulate people into following them all the time, knowing what power fear has. I received a text a few months back from someone I know. They had been watching television and had heard that black people were going to kill as many white people in South Africa as possible, on Freedom Day. A politician had used this to gain favour by promising protection if people joined his party and texted others to join too. My immediate thought, when I received the text, was to keep my children safely indoors for that day. The fear had been instilled. I thought about it and realised that I was allowing fear to control me, as this person had, by texting me. No, I was not prepared to send out that text to anyone and told the person so. How many people sent out that text? Probably millions... They allowed fear to rule them... They may even have taken steps to protect themselves from this danger, and in doing so, they sent out negative energy and would have received it back in one form or another. Freedom Day came and went and nothing happened!
"Fear is the little darkroom where negatives are developed."
~ Michael Pritchard
The more we fear, the more we adopt a negative mindset, and fear more, and more. Eventually fear controls us and we are no longer in control of our own peace of mind and happiness.
"The greatest obstacle to love is fear.
It has been the source of all defects
in human behaviour
throughout the ages."
~ Mahmoud Mohammed Taha
I call it the GREAT WALL OF CHINA! It is the wall of self-preservation that people put up to prevent being hurt by other's. They have been hurt in the past by someone that they loved and are afraid to be hurt again. They put this wall up to protect themselves. Some experience love for a while, but fear creeps in by a word, an action, or circumstance they find themselves in, and the Great Wall of China comes up. The strength of this wall depends on the strength of the fear, as is often so great that the person can't see past the fear to experience this great love and happiness. This wall causes the person who has build it to be emotionless, cold and callous, where there once was warmth and love. If the fear is not too great, the person experiencing it will overcome it and find the love and happiness that was there. The only person that can get past this wall of fear is the person that is living it.
I have spent many hours wondering why someone can love you one minute, be warm and loving, only to hate you the next moment, and to be cold and callous. Fear is the answer, for love does not just disappear into thin air. It is replaced by fear when the fear overpowers the person's life. Once the previously loved one has disappeared from the situation, the fear evaporates to leave the person empty and alone. To once again live with the fear, rather than overcoming it. There is a sort of relief in not having to face the fear.
Had the fear been faced and overcome, the person experiencing it would have felt a wonderful sense of accomplishment and confidence. A new strength to live from. This allows people to conquer more and more fears, until a state of love is reached. Goals and dreams can be made, and reached, for fear is the only thing that keeps us back from the happy lives we are worthy of, and so rightly deserve.
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past
I will turn the inner eye to see it's path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
~ Frank Herbert
"Fear is a tyrant, a despot,
more terrible than the rack,
more potent than the snake."
~ Edgar Wallace
"What we fear comes to pass more speedily than we hope."
~ Publilius Syrus
Remember that whether you believe it or not, the Law of Attraction is always working. Our thoughts and emotions attract circumstances that will bring us back similar emotions. Do you want to be fearful and unhappy, or do you want to have the courage to conquer that fear, and be happy, at peace, and confident? We always always have a choice, whether we believe it or not.
In this life we are presented with lessons. These lessons are for us to learn from and become stronger and more enlightened. If we do not learn the lesson, it is presented to us again and again, in different forms, and often more difficult each time, so that we cannot ignore it. If you are faced with great fears, it could be that you haven't been learning your lesson and it is making your life worse and worse. Is that what you want?
You can only be your true inner self and live from inspiration if you are without fear. You won't see anything when it has passed because it was never real.... only a figment of your imagination. You experience great inner strength and confidence every time you conquer a fear. Go ahead, give it a go! You have more strength and courage than you realise.
"Courage is not the lack of fear,
but the ability to face it."
~ John B. Putnam Jr.
If you analyse fear, you will see that fear is the basis of all the negative emotions like anger, dislike, impatience, intolerance, resentment, hatred, worry, doubt and many more. When you get angry about something, it is because you are fearful that it won't be as you want it to be. You may fear being in trouble for work not correctly done. When you dislike someone, it is a fear of something inside that person that doesn't resonate with you. The fear that that person may betray or hurt you.
More and more scientists and doctors have come to the realization that all disease is psychosomatic... of the mind. The cause of all disease, or dis-ease, is fear. Let go of the fear and you let go of disease.
Affirmation for conquering fear
I am releasing all fears and doubts,
for I am understanding that they only keep me
from living life to the fullest.
Say this affirmation as often as possible until it becomes a belief.
Most of our life matters are interrelated, so please read my other blogs to get a better understanding of life in general.
Please feel free to comment or to email me for more information.
Love, light and much courage! ♥
An unpleasant, strong emotion that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
It is not real, it is imagined. Fear is a debilitating emotion. If someone is holding a gun to your head, you experience fear, you imagine that that person is going to kill you. It could very well turn out that he is too fearful to kill you, but you automatically imagine the worst.
"There would be no one to frighten if you refused to be afraid."
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself -
nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror
which paralyses needed efforts to
convert retreat into advance."
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Fear is felt by others too, and causes a reaction. Think of dogs. It is as if they smell your fear, and react on it, and attack you. Remember that fear is a negative emotion and thus emits negative vibrations to those around you. They thus feel this vibration or energy and send back negative energy. This makes your fear even stronger and stronger and stronger. If you are not afraid, but in a state of love, in positivity, other's will react to this and send positive energy back. Like when you smile at someone... most often they will smile back. Unless they themselves are in a very dark and negative place... in which case they will not even notice the smile. That dark place is too dark to see anything, but what is going on in THEIR imagination.
"For as children tremble and fear everything in the blind darkness,
so we in the light sometimes fear what is no more to be feared than the things children in the dark hold in terror and imagine will come true."
~ Titus Lucretius Carus
Politicians and people in power use fear to manipulate people into following them all the time, knowing what power fear has. I received a text a few months back from someone I know. They had been watching television and had heard that black people were going to kill as many white people in South Africa as possible, on Freedom Day. A politician had used this to gain favour by promising protection if people joined his party and texted others to join too. My immediate thought, when I received the text, was to keep my children safely indoors for that day. The fear had been instilled. I thought about it and realised that I was allowing fear to control me, as this person had, by texting me. No, I was not prepared to send out that text to anyone and told the person so. How many people sent out that text? Probably millions... They allowed fear to rule them... They may even have taken steps to protect themselves from this danger, and in doing so, they sent out negative energy and would have received it back in one form or another. Freedom Day came and went and nothing happened!
"Fear is the little darkroom where negatives are developed."
~ Michael Pritchard
The more we fear, the more we adopt a negative mindset, and fear more, and more. Eventually fear controls us and we are no longer in control of our own peace of mind and happiness.
"The greatest obstacle to love is fear.
It has been the source of all defects
in human behaviour
throughout the ages."
~ Mahmoud Mohammed Taha
I call it the GREAT WALL OF CHINA! It is the wall of self-preservation that people put up to prevent being hurt by other's. They have been hurt in the past by someone that they loved and are afraid to be hurt again. They put this wall up to protect themselves. Some experience love for a while, but fear creeps in by a word, an action, or circumstance they find themselves in, and the Great Wall of China comes up. The strength of this wall depends on the strength of the fear, as is often so great that the person can't see past the fear to experience this great love and happiness. This wall causes the person who has build it to be emotionless, cold and callous, where there once was warmth and love. If the fear is not too great, the person experiencing it will overcome it and find the love and happiness that was there. The only person that can get past this wall of fear is the person that is living it.
I have spent many hours wondering why someone can love you one minute, be warm and loving, only to hate you the next moment, and to be cold and callous. Fear is the answer, for love does not just disappear into thin air. It is replaced by fear when the fear overpowers the person's life. Once the previously loved one has disappeared from the situation, the fear evaporates to leave the person empty and alone. To once again live with the fear, rather than overcoming it. There is a sort of relief in not having to face the fear.
Had the fear been faced and overcome, the person experiencing it would have felt a wonderful sense of accomplishment and confidence. A new strength to live from. This allows people to conquer more and more fears, until a state of love is reached. Goals and dreams can be made, and reached, for fear is the only thing that keeps us back from the happy lives we are worthy of, and so rightly deserve.
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past
I will turn the inner eye to see it's path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
~ Frank Herbert
"Fear is a tyrant, a despot,
more terrible than the rack,
more potent than the snake."
~ Edgar Wallace
"What we fear comes to pass more speedily than we hope."
~ Publilius Syrus
Remember that whether you believe it or not, the Law of Attraction is always working. Our thoughts and emotions attract circumstances that will bring us back similar emotions. Do you want to be fearful and unhappy, or do you want to have the courage to conquer that fear, and be happy, at peace, and confident? We always always have a choice, whether we believe it or not.
In this life we are presented with lessons. These lessons are for us to learn from and become stronger and more enlightened. If we do not learn the lesson, it is presented to us again and again, in different forms, and often more difficult each time, so that we cannot ignore it. If you are faced with great fears, it could be that you haven't been learning your lesson and it is making your life worse and worse. Is that what you want?
You can only be your true inner self and live from inspiration if you are without fear. You won't see anything when it has passed because it was never real.... only a figment of your imagination. You experience great inner strength and confidence every time you conquer a fear. Go ahead, give it a go! You have more strength and courage than you realise.
"Courage is not the lack of fear,
but the ability to face it."
~ John B. Putnam Jr.
If you analyse fear, you will see that fear is the basis of all the negative emotions like anger, dislike, impatience, intolerance, resentment, hatred, worry, doubt and many more. When you get angry about something, it is because you are fearful that it won't be as you want it to be. You may fear being in trouble for work not correctly done. When you dislike someone, it is a fear of something inside that person that doesn't resonate with you. The fear that that person may betray or hurt you.
More and more scientists and doctors have come to the realization that all disease is psychosomatic... of the mind. The cause of all disease, or dis-ease, is fear. Let go of the fear and you let go of disease.
Affirmation for conquering fear
I am releasing all fears and doubts,
for I am understanding that they only keep me
from living life to the fullest.
Say this affirmation as often as possible until it becomes a belief.
Most of our life matters are interrelated, so please read my other blogs to get a better understanding of life in general.
Please feel free to comment or to email me for more information.
Love, light and much courage! ♥
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