30 March 2018


Here are just two extremely profound ways:

1.  Darwin's 'theory' of evolution was just a theory, as the phrase states,but repeated enough times, it has become an absolute to almost every human on earth.  Even those who say they do not believe in evolution still function from the premise of the survival of the fittest.  Humans compete with each other over everything, often killing those who are a threat to their survival. Our whole belief system is built on this foundation of scarcity.  We no longer share and care for each other, but compete and fight for our own survival.  Even Darwin did not believe so greatly in this theory, but considered many others. Furthermore, intelligent design has been suppressed by the scientific world.

2.  The science that says that genes control life (genetic control) is called the central dogma.  It has never been proven.  Yet, almost every human has based their belief system on this idea that they cannot control their genes, thus their diseases, and other things that they are thought to have inherited.  This takes away all our power to heal and keeps us living as victims of our genes.  Epigentics shows that this is not at all how it works, and that our beliefs control our genes.

Both of these beliefs, based upon science, have kept us trapped as victims, when we should be masters of our lives.


Winning is what we seek to do when we play a game; whether it is a sports game or a board game. It is attributed to a contest taking place. Thus all contestants must be willing and able to participate. It is something that we have been socially conditioned to believe is of absolute necessity, for if we do not win, we are a failure. It is due to this attitude that sports, which was previously played for the fun of it, has become something that must be won. You need only watch parents of little children who are playing rugby, to see how sports has turned into a kill zone, with parents anxiously screaming to their children to take some or other violent or aggressive action towards their opponents. Sometimes the parents even scream obscenities and threats to each other.

So it is that war has become like a game to be won. In reality, nobody really wins a war. Too many lives are lost, property damaged, animals and ecosystems destroyed, and it costs the countries involved far too much money, or debt. War is a matter of invasion, in almost all cases, and thus it is that only one participant is willing, and often able to participate. For the country which is being invaded, it is merely a means of being bullied. 

As it is with everything, this attitude of winning at all costs, without any consideration for the consequences thereof, can be perceived on a global level and on a individual level.

On an individual level, people seek to win in their relationships with others, their spouses, children, friends, enemies, employers or employees. Relationships are treated like a game which needs to be won. In this way both parties must be willing and able to participate. Yet, there is most often a party who does not seek to play. Of course, this automatically means that they have lost the game, whether they took part or not.

However, in order to have good relationships with others, it is necessary for a win-win situation. Relationships are not a game to be played, but mutual cooperation and consideration. Refrain from seeing other people as competition, and instead seek the place within yourself where that 'I'm not good enough' voice has been drowned out, and replaced by the 'I love and accept myself just as I am right now' voice. ~<3~

21 February 2018


The most obvious effect is the aggression and violence we see, which desensitises us.  We become  so used to seeing violence and aggression that we begin to see it as a normal part of life.  In a desensitised state, people no longer care to help other people who are caught up in violence.  People feel nothing to hurt or kill another person.   Empathy becomes apathy.  We begin to believe that taking another life or hurting someone is alright.  It is done in the movies, afterall. 
      A much less obvious effect is how these movies mould our minds to see certain people in a certain light.  By making the ‘bad guys’ a specific race or religion, we begin to see that whole race or religion as evil.   Movies have always been used to demonise a specific group of people (dependent on the time and the particular agenda) the establishment want us to hate. 
Another less obvious effect is how relationships in movies affect our handling of relationships, and what we deem as normal and right.  We learn to do as the actors and actresses do.  If they don’t show signs of commitment, we eventually learn that it is alright not to be committed within a relationship, for example.  Viewing these dramas and movies often create an entirely new value/belief system, not necessarily a moral one.  

Movies and dramas also make us think that we must be rich, slim and beautiful to mean anything in this world, because the heroes are always rich, slim and attractive.  This sends us the message that if we do not fit this criteria, we are worthless, as well as those around us who do not fit it.  

They also serve as a form of escape from the pressures of life.    Time that could have been better spent doing something creative, learning a new skill, or learning something that could make us more self-responsible.    Instead, the stress is not managed or released, but compounded, until  a health issue, relationship issue, etc, demands our attention.  In which case, it is often too late. 

What did people do before the televisions were introduced into our society?  They talked, played games, or read.  They enjoyed each other’s company.  Television and movies have created a belief that we, as a society, need to be entertained.  That we are unable to entertain ourselves.  We have become addicted to sensationalism.  Everything else is boring. 

Movies are so full of sexual content, that we are led to believe that sex is a public thing, instead of a private, sacred act between two people who share an emotional, spiritual and physical connection.  We have been robbed of our natural sexuality.   Many movies promote sex with children, or the raping of women, or men, by making us think such acts are normal.  As these acts are accepted, more perverted acts are slowly introduced, in this normalising effect.

Movies and television rob us of our time to think, self-reflect and work on challenges which we face, in a constructive manner , which promote emotional growth.   Self-reflection helps us to transcend fear-based beliefs about ourselves, and work towards healthier self-love.  

We are led to believe that life is hard, people are mean and dishonest, and this is all normal.  That we must fit in, or be condemned by society.   If one thinks that everyone is dishonest, then one would tend to accept dishonesty, rather than seeking people who exhibit characteristics such as honesty. 

Due to the fact that we see these actors or actresses as heroes or heroine, they become our role models.  They signify everything that is ‘cool’, and we strive to be as they are.  How they dress, eat or drink becomes an example to us.  Just as a parent influences his or her child by means of his or her example.

Whether we consciously know it or not, we are bombarded with ideas, which are in actual fact what become beliefs, and because we are put into an alpha (hypnotic) state, we blindly accept what is downloaded into our minds, whether these ideas are moral or not.   The only way to view television or movies without our belief system being influenced, is to know how our beliefs are influenced, and to watch critically, and pick up on these things. 

Once you have stopped watching television and movies for a few years, and you watch again, you notice the effect it has on your mind.  Anxiety, stress and depression, which was not noticed before, after viewing something, can clearly be seen.  Studies have shown that people who watch tv regularly, suffer from mild to severe depression. 

Take back your mind, work at reaching your full potential, growing emotionally, creatively and intellectually, and find fulfillment where emptiness once existed.   Stop watching the box and the big screen. 

21 August 2016


  Many people have this idea that if something causes us to feel sad, angry or upset, that we must ignore it, hide it away, or avoid it, at all costs. This is a New Age religion concept, to catch those who start waking up, before they awaken completely. It is this idea which gives birth to one of the world's greatest crimes - apathy. It is this idea which keeps people trapped in a velvet-lined comfort zone, where they cannot grow, reach their full potential, improve their relationships with themselves and others, stop the destruction they are responsible for, or change the world for the better. It is also this idea which keeps people addicted to pharmaceutical and illegal drugs, alcohol, retail therapy, and the approval of society.

Negative emotions have a purpose... they arise from within us to tell us that there is something which is not right within us - which upon deep investigation, can always be traced back to a fear-based belief. It is by facing these fears, that we are able to transcend them, and eliminate the fear-based beliefs which are holding us hostage, and causing the suffering and pain. Ignoring them, or trying to cover them up with some addiction, is like taking a headache pill for a headache which is being caused by high blood pressure or a tumour. Inevitably, it will return, and the high blood pressure or tumour will not heal, but become worse.

One of the greatest fear that people have, is the fear of facing themselves. Of letting go of the false illusions of security they have built around themselves. Ironically, it is these fears which cause the suffering and pain we seek to escape. It is by facing these fears, that we are able to tap into our hidden resources, strength and potential, and become more positive and happy.

Strip yourself bare of all the illusions and find a beauty beyond what you could ever have imagined... strength and courage you never imagined you had... ~♥~


Many people live with a victim mentality, which causes them to do things that don't make sense. It is easier for us to understand them if we understand why they do the things they do.

Victims find it very difficult to say 'thank you'. Although they may sometimes appreciate something, depending on their level of victimhood, they often feel that by saying 'thank you' they will be making themselves inferior to the person they are thanking. In many cases, the victim has such a high degree of this victim mentality that they do not appreciate anything done for them because they feel that the world owes them.

Victims often treat others badly, and when they are confronted, turn everything around so that they seem like the victims, totally avoiding what they have done. They lack self-responsibility. It is too difficult for them to get past looking at themselves as victims (the fear) to see the harm they do to others. They cannot be objective.

It is for this reason that victims lack empathy. They cannot see another's pain or suffering because they are drowning in their own pain and suffering.

This causes the victim to lash out at others through emotional abuse, physical abuse, etc. They lack the ability to see cause and effect, and thus see the world as causing their pain and suffering, rather than the pain and suffering they experience, being the consequence of their own beliefs about themselves.

Victims often resort to addictive behaviour such as the addiction to approval, retail therapy (consumerism and materialism), drugs, alcohol, etc. They do this to hide the fear they feel inside. These fears come in various forms, such as anger, guilt, superiority/inferiority, depression, and all the other negative emotions.

Victims cannot give other people compliments or praise, as they feel it will be giving away their own power... making them less. However, they are very quick to point out the negative aspects of someone or something. They do not understand that giving means receiving.

Victims see mistakes as failure, and fill themselves with guilt, instead of looking for the lesson which they need to learn. They thus make the same mistakes over and over again, and become more and more bitter. Heightening their victim status.

Victims fail to see solutions to their problems because their perspective of themselves, and the depth to which they can see things, is clouded by their own beliefs of inferiority (fear).

The victim status is a result of fear-based beliefs which keeps people in a state of lack.... of scarcity regarding their own power. These fears do not allow them to tap into their inherent source of power. Thus the solution is to identify the fears, which show up in our emotional state. All negative emotions result from a fear-based belief about ourselves. Being offended is the first sign, which is followed by anger, depression, and other negative emotions. If one can work up enough courage to face the fear and look into it to find the source, one can transcend the fear. The more this is done, the easier it becomes, and the more in tune one becomes with our inherent power source of awareness, intuition, courage, strength, ability to solve problems, etc.

Almost everyone feels like a victim in one or more areas of their lives. We need to understand that it is the conditioning that we have received that has created this victim status, and that we can discard it at any time. Nobody is a victim, unless they choose to be a victim...

Make a decision today: Are you a victim or a victor....


 What is blame? Blame is merely the physical manifestation of your inner fears which create our outer perceived reality. This occurs on a personal level and on a collective level. What is outside is merely a reflection of what is inside. If a certain percentage of humans are in a particular state of fear, they manifest this fear as our perceived reality. These manifestations are therefore of vital importance because they tell us that there is something wrong. We therefore must not ignore them, but become aware of them. Self-responsibility requires looking at the problem, on the outside, becoming aware of it's root fear, which cause the symptoms, and fixing it on the inside.

 The symptoms are the things you see.... much like a headache is what you feel. How you see things is dependent on the fear-based belief system you have been conditioned with... much like the strength or weakness of the immune system you have built up through your consuming of healthy food or toxins. Humans are taught to take notice of the symptoms, and react on them, rather than to use the symptoms as a guide to the root cause, which is where problems/challenges are fixed, and disease is healed. The symptoms are only useful to us as guides to the root cause. As the headache is a warning of high blood pressure, etc. It does not help to keep taking painkillers for the headache, as the root cause will still persist, and the problem will become worse. It therefore makes sense not to try to hide the root cause by taking pills and not investigating further. Just as it is useless to fight the symptoms of politics, etc, without looking for the root cause of the problems/challenges.

Therefore, use the symptoms to guide you to the root cause, and transcend the fear which is causing it. The fear can be your very own fear, which is manifested in your personal life, or it can be a collective fear, which is manifested universally. If it manifests universally then it is because the majority of humans have the same fear, which is the result of cultural conditioning, brainwashing from television, etc. Therefore, if you have the same beliefs as the majority, you know that you are a contributor to this collective perceived reality.

As you transcend these fears, you will become more and more aware, and thus more courageous and able, to transcend more of these fears, making you a stronger person and a contributor of love, peace and harmony to the collective perceived reality. It doesn't matter how small, big, tough or weak you think you are: YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER!!

9 December 2013


 A problem is only a problem until we turn it into a challenge.  How do we turn it into a challenge?  By taking a negative attitude towards something and changing it into curiosity.  We do this by asking questions... by taking the problem apart and finding the root cause of the problem.  This problem has then become a challenge.

Within every problem, lies the solution.  If you have lost your keys inside your house, do you go and look outside your house, or in another's house?  However, if we look at the problem from the same negative consciousness that created the problem, we will not find the solution.  Instead we react on the problem, often causing more problems or compounding the problem.

Have you ever wondered why people study for an exam, only to start the exam and not remember anything which was studied?  It is because when we are caught up in a negative mindset, such as stress, we are not able to access information from certain parts of the brain, where the information has been stored.

To be successful, we must change our consciousness to one of curiosity and positivity.  We must create an attitude of believing that the problem is able to be solved, and that we possess the capability to solve it. 

Curiosity means to ask many questions... Why? What? How? When?  Who? By adapting a positive attitude, we are able to see the solutions.  However, a person consumed with negativity and reaction, is blinded, and therefore not able to find the answers before them.

Once you arrive at this place, the universe begins to work with you through something we call sychronicity.  Thus, as we seek the answers, they miraculously appear to us.  This can be through a book that we suddenly come across, or the post of friend on Facebook, or meeting someone that says something regarding the challenge in question.

This no longer requires the kind of boring, monotonous research that University students have to go through, and becomes very easy and satisfying.  It instills the will to want to know more, and makes problems easy to deal with effectively, to the advantage of all, and the detriment of none.

Never run away from or ignore a problem!!! By running away or ignoring the problem, you are also running away from or ignoring the solution.  Ignoring something doesn't make it go away, it means you are merely delaying the inevitable. Sooner or later you will have to face it, and then you will not be prepared.  Guess what... Your power has been taken away from you, by you.  Is that what you really want?  Do you want to stagnate, and have life drive you where it wants?  Or do you want to grow and evolve... be in control of your own life?

Everything we see as a problem, is really a challenge to help us to learn something important that will propel us to a higher level of evolution, a higher level of consciousness.  It provides us with the tools which we will later need to face a new challenge.  Much like climbing a ladder, one rung at a time.

Life is beautiful, even with all the horrors, because we have the ability to change them at any time.

Many blessings of love and peace ♥

23 October 2013


This is a list of items to keep in your alternative first aid kit.  It is especially useful when medical assistance is unavailable.  Please note that this is just a list, and it is highly recommended to follow the links and read more about the uses and dosage.
Your health is your responsibility, as is your treatment of health conditions. 


Uses (Internal and External on infected area and via inhalation:  
Burns, anti-bacterium, anti-fungal, anti-viral, respiratory maintenance, increases blood alkalinity, removes odours, animal use.
Daily maintenance, internally - Up to 2 tablespoons
Daily inhalation - 5 - 12 inhalations

Below is a chart showing how to build a colloidal silver generator.  Use distilled water, and keep it in a dark, glass bottle. 
See the following links for more information:


Activated Charcoal is only used internally for emergencies.
Uses (Internal and External:
Detoxifier and poison antidote (food poisoning, toxic drugs, household poisoning, snake, spider and insect bites, teeth whitener), animal use.
See package leaflet, depending on patients mass, and use.
Take apple cider vinegar and then epsom salts after a large dose to avoid charcoal build up.
See the following links for more information:

3.  HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (35% Food Grade)

Uses (Internal (use medicinal hydrogen peroxide), and External):
Boils, canker sores, colds, colonic, corns and calluses, cuts, ear infections, enemas, foot fungus, sinus, toothache, yeast infections, cleaning, sterilising and bleaching.
A few drops in ears for colds and ear infections
External use:  Drops as necessary
Enema:  1 tablespoon to 4 cups of water

See the following links for more information:

4.  BAKING SODA (Sodium Bicarbonate)

Uses:  (Internally to change pH from acidic to alkaline - acidity is the cause of most diseases, including fungi, bacteria and viruses;  and for cleaning and removing odours)
Cleaning teeth, acidity, etc.  It can be used for almost anything.
Depending on the ailment.
See the following links for more information:


Uses:  (Internally and Externally)
Deficiency of magnesium, dementia, hypothyroidism, weightloss, digest, and almost anything.  Also great for external health care, oil pulling, etc.
Depending on ailment.  General use of 1 tsp a day is adequate.

Please note that this is a basic list.  There are many more things, like Himalayan salt, which are beneficial, and many herbs, such as parsley, which should be grown in your garden.

For more information regarding natural health, please subscribe to: 

For more information regarding the use of natural and homemade products around the home, DIY, food gardening tips, etc, please subscribe to:

24 September 2013


Hatred, discrimination, revenge, etc

How do you feel when you are revengeful? Bitter, hateful, resentful, unforgiving, angry, victimised, etc. All negative feelings. These very same emotions are the ones that cause our blood pressure to rise... our heart to overwork, and put enormous amounts of stress on our organs. 

 We also attract to us more circumstances which provide the same emotions. This makes for a terrible cycle of suffering and pain.

All the great teachers have taught us to be peaceful, no matter what others do. Jesus said that we must turn the other cheek. Martin Luther King Jr taught his followers not to resort to violence, because 'the enemy' was suffering from a mental illness... and he was right. The illness of the ego - hatred. He taught his followers that love was the only way. Ghandi helped his people overcome domination by peaceful means.

Understand that people only act out of hatred when they have hatred within them. They only discriminate against others when they judge themselves.  When they feel inferior, and in so doing, attempt to gain superiority.  We do things according to our beliefs about ourselves and the world. Self-preservation and self-defense are the result of fear. Be compassionate and understanding of others and their issues. It really has nothing to do with you.. It is not because of you that they act or react the way they do.

People have a way of living up to what we expect of them... Expect and assume that all humans have something beautiful and good inside them, and they will soon show it to you.

When we feel negative emotions like revenge, discrimination or hatred, we are not being true to our inner being, which is love. We are being dominated and controlled by the ego. We have disconnected from God... from guidance and inspiration. We are not controlled by ourselves, but by others. If someone else can evoke an emotion or reaction from you, they are in control of you. You have given them free reign of your inner world.

On a collective level, we contribute to the illusion of war, destruction and aggression on our planet, when we exude these negative characteristics.  The collective only needs a certain percentage of this fear consciousness to manifest itself as the collective illusion. When people change themselves, and overcome hatred, discrimination and all the other negative characteristics, they let go of fear, and in so doing, allow for love, compassion and peace to come in... In a society dominant in love consciousness, the vibration is set for a collective reality of peace, love and harmony.

Let us stop the war and hatred in our beautiful world, by starting with ourselves. Let us be like the great masters, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc. Let us be love and peace. Let us heal ourselves, and in doing so, heal our planet. It all starts with you... Yes, YOU!


What is freedom? 
Some say to be free means to do anything you like... Is that freedom?  What if what you like to do feels like freedom to you at that moment, but has consequences which you don't like?  Is it still freedom?

What then, is freedom really...
There are those who have been imprisoned behind bars, tortured to the extent that their bodies cried out for mercy, yet they have felt freedom.

In a world where we are influenced by so many things which shape our ideas, our beliefs, our state of mind, and lead to attachments to these ideas and beliefs, we cannot be free, as long as we comply to these norms and social conditionings.

It is attachment which robs us of our freedom.  The attachment to the idea of who we are.  The attachment to beliefs which limit us, and thus cut our wings.

Mostly, it is the attachment to a false image of ourselves that others have helped us to create.  The pressure of living up to this false image, when all the while, our inner being is crying out to be recognised.  The need for approval from others... the need to belong, and to fit in, is an invisible cage.  It is an addiction, and possibly the worst and most debilitating addiction we could ever be possessed with.  Herein lies our attachment to what others' think of us.

It is this addiction which shapes our reality, which limits us from reaching for our dreams.  It is this addiction which stops us from being who we truly are at the centre of our being.  It is the most difficult addiction to free ourselves of... Yet, when we do, we reach a far greater feeling of freedom, happiness and respect than we ever had before. 

As we grow in self-love and self-acceptance, we no longer seek the approval of others.  We no longer seek happiness in retail therapy.  We no longer need someone to love us so that we feel worthy of love.  We free ourselves of all the 'shoulds' that others impose on us.  We free ourselves of duty.  We free ourselves of all these restraints. We realise that the source of all security, all happiness, all abundance, all freedom, lies within us.

What then of consequences?
When we do things because we 'should' or because we have an image or reputation to maintain, we do it, not from the heart, but with a sense of resentment.  We act from a negative field of emotion, and it builds up to a crescendo, until we finally burst.  We seek gratitude, which often doesn't materialise.  We seek compensation, often subconsciously, or at a later stage.  We feel bitterness when these needs are not met.

Yet, when we are in a position to do things purely from the heart, with no need for compensation or gratitude... unconditionally, we see these tasks or duties, as privileges.  As a means of satisfying something deep within our inner being, with no attachment to a result or outcome.  We are no longer dependent on another.  The invisible cage no longer holds us from our freedom...

Many blessings of love and peace ♥