12 March 2012


Are you living with beliefs of abundance or scarcity?

Abundance is a word that most people very rarely hear.  We have been so conditioned to a world of scarcity, so focused on scarcity, that most humans have no idea what abundance is.  Everyone we talk to, talks of scarcity of some sort. We only need to put the television on to see scarcity in the form of the news.  The adverts tell us that we need this and that in order to be acceptable.  The movies focus on violence and crime.  The dramas and soapies focus on problem after problem... as if they are things to be revered.

"Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into."
~ Dr Wayne Dyer

What is abundance?

"Life in abundance comes only through great love."
~ Elbert Hubbard

Abundance is a belief that we tune into.  It is something stronger than faith, that this Universe is good, and safe, and providing for our every need.   This faith requires that, no matter what our reality may look like, sound like, feel like, we are indeed clothed in protection, love and peace.  It is the trust that everything is right, and nothing can go wrong.  That everything happens for our higher good.  That there is an infinite power that has our best interests at heart.  No matter your religion or non religion.  It can be called whatever resounds with you.  It is only the ego that is consumed with labelling.  This higher power has no ego, and thus no care for what it is called.  It just is!

"Expect your every need to be met.  Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level."
~  Eileen Caddy

What is scarcity?

Many people say they have faith in God, but they complain endlessly about not having enough, or about all the crime in the world.  Where is the faith in God?   True faith is not something one turns on and off at will.  It is something that consumes everything we think, everything we say, everything we do.  There can be do doubt or regret in faith.  For then it is not faith.  Herein lies scarcity.

"Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance."
~ Epicurus

Scarcity is the belief that people have that they live in a world of crime, pain, hurt, poverty.  This belief shows up in complaints about not having enough.  It shows up when we blame others for what is happening to us.  By blaming someone else, we are basically saying that our higher power, or God, or our creator, is not in control of our lives, that the person we blame is.   I ask again, where is the faith in that?

Living a life of abundance means focusing on the positive, good things in the world.  Embracing them, talking of them, living them.  It means being in a state of love, as opposed to a state of fear.  It means looking for the best in everything and everyone, and ignoring what we don't like.  It means imagining our world to be exactly as we want it, and believing that it will be so.  It means accepting that although things don't always seem to be going our way at the moment, that ultimately they are for our best.  Accepting that lessons are here for us to reach our full potential, and that if we learn from them, it is for our better purpose. 

"Whatever we are waiting for ~ peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance ~ it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart."
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

Abundance is saying thank you, and appreciating all we are, and all we have.  It is the faith that our every needs will be met.  It is not positive thinking, it is way beyond that.  It is thinking abundance, talking abundance, living abundance.  It is living as if today is your last day.

May you shine your light of abundance on the world today, for in doing so, you will be creating the abundant world that you desire.

Love, light and abundance ♥