28 October 2011


People wonder why their houses are burglared;  why they are hijacked;  how they get into all sorts of violent events... They wonder why God is not protecting them, as he should, and think of the world as an evil place, filled with crime, and bad people.  They curse God, when all the time they are the only one's to blame.

People say that want to live a peaceful existence, but their actions are not peaceful.

Why are they to blame

Nine out of ten people watch movies... not comedies....action movies, full of all sorts of violence and horror.  They give attention to it.  They enjoy it.   They say:  "That is a great movie!"  They talk about it to friends.  The Law of Attraction says:  "You liked that, let me give you more of that..."  So you attract violent circumstances into your life.   Of course the depth of which will depend on the amount of emotion you have put into the movie.  How much attention you have given it.

Most people watch the news with almost all of it being of a negative nature.  Violent killings, protests, fighting.  They then tell their friends what they saw too.... And if something big happens, like the death of Gadaffi, they watch the movie of his death, and then post it to facebook so that everyone else can see it.  They comment on it and give so much attention to it.  The Law of Attraction says:  "Oh you like death and violence.... let's give you some more."  Suffering is suffering.. we are all one.  If another suffers, you will also suffer on some level, because we are all connected.  No matter how bad we may think another is... to wish suffering on someone else or to enjoy it... we attract it to ourselves too.

How many people watch programs like WWE?  They enjoy the fighting.   The worst is that they even allow their children to watch it, and have this violence put into their impressionable minds.   They cheer and think it is great, so the child also thinks it is great, and also want to do it.   Having been an educator, I have seen many children trying out these moves on their friends at school, which has often resulted in a broken arm, etc.  Which could very well be a broken neck the next time.  The Law of Attraction says:  "You enjoy fighting... ok, let's bring some into your life."

Do you belong to groups that focus on suffering of a child, a species of animal?  Do you protest against politicians you think are evil, or events and circumstances that you don't like?  Let's take Julius Malema, for instance... Here in South Africa he is hated by many.   Now to begin with, hate is a very, very strong emotion, and strong emotions cause strong energy to be released.   The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so whatever strong energy you release out into the Universe, you receive a similar energy back.  One consciousness means that we are all connected in thought.  If many people give thought to a particular subject or person, we create that thing.  In other words, the more attention people give Julius Malema, the stronger he becomes.  We, who have the power to create.... create people like Julius Malema, by focusing our attention on our fears of people like him.  We then give this person we created attention by talking about them, by becoming angry about their actions, and we give our power away, and make them stronger.  By giving your attention to the suffering of animals and children, you are believing that this is the way life is, and thinking in scarcity.  Scarcity of good people who treat animals and children with love and respect.

Mother Teresa said:  "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations.  I said that I would never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."
~ Mother Teresa

Soapies are the also a great way of attracting more drama into your life.   If you focus on problems, even if they are not your own... that is what you will get.

When we watch all this violence and drama, we think that the Universe is an unsafe, violent place, and that people are evil and bad.  That crime is the order of the day.   We attract what we believe.

"I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance.  People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness and satisfaction.  Yet true happiness comes from a sense of peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion, and elimination of ignorance, selfishness and greed."
~ Dalai Lama

If you want a life of peace.... live a life of peace.  Remove all violence and drama from your life.  Watch beautiful inspiring movies, comedies.  Believe that we live in a peaceful, safe Universe, and that people are good and kind.   Join groups that focus on peace and abundance.  Believe that animals and children are loved, respected and in abundance.  That you live in an abundant world with more than enough kindness and love.  Enjoy nature and feel the abundance of peace in every flower, every insect, every tree.  Focus on the best there is and that is what your reality will become.  

"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realise their relationship, their Oneness with the Universe and all it's powers, and when they realise that at the centre of the Universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this centre is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
~ Black Elk

You will attract good, kind and peaceful people into your life.   If you focus on the good in others, and there is always good in everyone, they tend to live up to that responsibility.

By focusing on the good in people, events and circumstances, you are in alignment with your true nature, with God.  You will experience life as God intended, and life will be beautiful and good.  There is no evil, and there are no devils or monsters.... only what you have created with your beliefs.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storm's their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of autumn."
~ John Muir

This is your world, your reality, you are the creator.... Make it what you wish it to be!

Taking total responsibility for our lives is an enormous task, and means we have to face things we may not want to face, but it is life changing... empowering beyond words... The path to happiness!   Take little steps at a time, and in no time you will be see a difference.  

If you would like to learn more about the Law of Attraction, click on the link below and download and read the book.

Please email me if you have questions.  I know I had many when I first learnt about the law of attraction, which prompted me to more and more research... and new questions pop up all the time...

Love, light, peace and abundance! ♥ 

P.S.  'As a man thinketh' is very insightful in understanding these concepts:

12 October 2011


Our beliefs affect the way we perceive life, and our experiences, and the way in which we handle challenges.   (Challenges are called obstacles to the negative person.)

Most of us react on our past experiences that have become beliefs.  When in fact we should be acting on fresh, clean, powerful inspiration.  Very often these past experiences are based on negative events, that caused us emotional pain.

When we act from fresh, clean, powerful inspiration, we bypass past experiences and we focus only on the now, and not the past.  It is much like being a new born baby that has not experienced any hurt or trauma.

You may say this is a bad thing.... as we are so conditioned to thinking that we have made mistakes, when in fact, these are really lessons that were presented to us to learn specific concepts about life.  Many people think that their lesson is the hardship and suffering that they must endure... this is not the lesson, but the result of not learning the lesson.  Not punishment.  Our lessons help us to grow and thus enable us to face bigger challenges with success.  When we do not learn from them, we are not equipped to deal with these lessons and thus suffer unnecessarily.

Therefore, if, for example, your spouse or partner was unfaithful to you... the lesson is NOT to avoid all people of the opposite sex.  Nor is it to mistrust or generalise about all people of the opposite sex.  That would be the same as someone mistrusting you, or generalising you into a box called 'unfaithful' simply because you belong to the opposite gender of that person that has experienced pain at the hands of someone of your gender.

Somehow I don't think you would like so see yourself in that box... Just as other's, just as innocent as yourself, don't either wanted to be labelled.

Any reaction is not from inspiration, but from emotion, or the emotions of past experiences.  How often it is that we react on a situation, feeling angry, hurt or any other negative emotion, only to later regret it and wish that we could pull back our reaction.  Given time, we are better able to calm down, receive inspiration, and act, rather than react.

Have you ever heard somebody say, "I will sleep on it.."?  There is great truth in this... We receive inspiration through intuition, meditation, dreams, angel guides and spirits, among other things.  These divine resources are there for all of us to tap into, we just have to ask, believe and we will be guided.  If you would like the answers to a specific challenge, or inspiration on a specific matter, do the following exercise at night before you sleep:   Say "I will dream about .................., and remember my dream".  Repeat this about 30 times before falling asleep.  It must be the last thing on your mind as you drift off.   You might not remember your dreams straight away, but the more often you do this the more you will remember.   You will get your answers and inspiration.

Dreams guide us and they help us to deal with the issues of daily living, from another state of consciousness.  Much like seeing yourself outside yourself.... from someone else's perpective.  If you are taking anti-depressants, you may not remember your dreams as most anti-depressants suppress your dreams.

We are so accustomed to ignoring our intuition, that most of us seldom hear it.  The best way to open yourself up to your intuition is to believe in it, be aware of it.  Do simple things like guessing who is calling you, or texting you, before answering.  Remember intuition may warn you of danger, but there is a difference between intuition and ego.  If you are having negative feelings, then it could very well be your ego speaking to you.

Your ego is the voice inside your head that tells you that you will fail;  that you are ugly;  or stupid;  or overweight.  The one that tells you to give up;  that all the world is working against you;  that there is scarcity, rather than abundance.  Your ego wants to be in control, and as long as you allow it to, you will not be aware of your true self, your inspiration, your intuition.

Here is a great book about unlocking your intuition:
Unlock Your Intuition

Please feel free to email me, to comment, or to request themes that you would like me to cover.

Love, light and abundance ♥